Hey everyone! Sorry again, about the late post. We're still having technical issues in post production and our time was limited this weekend. We're really working hard though to come up with ideas for future episodes that are a lot more fun and interesting. Hope you guys enjoy, and don't forget to leave your comments!
Me first! I commented first! Okay...a) you both look beautiful. Aside from weight and whatnot, I think eating healthy and taking care of yourselves just makes you look happier and more...glowey. (hrmm, not a word...shoulda stopped at vogumentary.)
Also, suggestion...when you did the weigh-in I couldn't remember what your original weights were so I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or not until you talked about it. To stave off my impatience, maybe you could put some text in there that says what your weight the previous time was...like "Original weight" and "Last week's weight" could be listed on the screen when you show the new number on the scale. Ooh ooh and you could make it CHIME in like on Antiques Roadshow! "Bllliiing..."
This comment got out of control. Love you both. Excited for episode 3!
You guys are awesome! Great job over the last two weeks. It's very inspiring.
I agree with Katie's suggestion about reminding us of previous weights when we see the current weight.
Hey guys! That was awesome! Congrats on the weight loss! I agree with the first comment...Seeing the new weight without knowing what the previous weight was kinda like "wait...is that a good weight or bad weight" until you mentioned how much you lost. So showing the "Original weight" and "Last week's weight" would be a really good thing to have on there!
Anywho, love you both! Keep up the good work! Hopefully this will help me as well!!!
Ohhh, you guys! You did awesome!!! I am so proud of you...I have to say from experience...the two hardest times to eat well and stick to a plan are a)when you're out of town
b)when your spouse is out of town
Haha...seriously! You guys did so well, I am astonished and very excited about future episodes. The first weigh-in set the bar high and I know you can keep it going! So, let's see it, eh? :)
I agree with Katie...eating better, making good lifestyle changes just change the way you look and feel no matter if you get big results right away. (though, you did!) I did awesome last week and even though I only lost a little, I felt like the hottest thing around because I'd been taking really good care of my body.
That's how it's supposed to be, right?
So glad you're on this journey the same time I am; it's very empowering! Thanks for sharing and keep it up! You're so awesome!
Hey! Great job, you guys! I had the same thought as Katie, about not knowing what the original weight was, until later, but obviously that's been mentioned. GOOD FOR YOU BOTH!! You've definitely inspired me too, and it's rubbed off on the rest of my family. I've been making turkey/swiss/mustard/lettuce sandwiches for my family for lunch, on whole grain bread, and fruit and yogurt on the side, and eating better makes you happier after just a day or two. We've stocked up on a lot of healthy things lately, and I'm pretty excited about losing some weight, even though I NEVER ever weigh myself. By the way, that chicken dinner you made....was so awesome...just thought I'd let you know again. One last thing...how did the shopping go? I wanted to see what you got and how it looked on you!
Hey!!!! I am so excited for you! I am sorry I didn't get to see this before today! GREAT JOB so far!! I can't wait to see how you did this week! :)
You guys are both so brave! I agree with the showing the weight from the previous episode! I never looked at either of you and thought you guys were over weight! I did love seeing Lindsey at the reception! Good time chatting while people were waiting for cake!
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